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The enemy inside (41471)
Physical 48 pieces
Copyrighted 2014
Distributor Scholastic Canada (2434)
Country Canada
Audience Junior High, Senior High (JS)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis Set in the near future, where an alien invasion has left the Earth devastated and a mysterious organization called The Firm hold power. There is a spy in The Firm. Matt and Dexter must find the spy, but will one of them make a mistake?
Author Blum, Paul
Dimensions 23 x 33 cm.
ISBN# 9781443029933
Pub. Loc. Markham, Ontario
Contents 6 books
Notes Grade 7-10 Interest Level
Parts 6 books all in a 23 x 33 cm. clear plastic bag.
Stmt Resp written by Paul Blum
Subjects Reading materials; Human-alien encounters—Fiction; Science fiction; Survival after airplane accidents, shipwrecks, etc.—Fiction; Extraterrestrial beings—Fiction; Hi-Lo books
Call# HIL 20 (04)
Kit 1 copy
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