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| Title
Multiplication and Division (41493) |
| Copyrighted
| Distributor
| Country
| Audience
Primary, Intermediate (PI)
| Collection
Booking Library
| Series
Contexts For Learning Mathematics
| | |
| Synopsis
Five units that use authentic contexts to promote understanding and
ensure a positive growth mindset.
| Author
Twomey Fosnot, Catherine
| Dimensions
9 x 31 x 40 cm.
| Contents
8 Resource books: Investigating Multiplication and Division Grades
3-5, Groceries, Stamps, and Measuring Strips (Early Multiplication),
The Big Dinner (Multiplication with the Ratio Table), Muffles Truffles
(Multiplication and Division with the Array), The Box Factory
(Extending Multiplication with the Array), The Teacher's Lounge (Place
Value and Division), Minilessons for Early Multiplication and Division
(A Yearlong Resource), Minilessons for Extending Multiplication and
Division (A Yearlong Resource) ; 17 Posters: Grocery Store, Postage
Stamps, Sets of Stamps, How Long, How Tall, City Center, The Turkey,
The Big Dinner, Muffles' Truffles Shop, Muffles' New Boxes, The Big
Mix-up, The Water Machine, The Juice Machine, The Iced Tea Machine,
Amusement Park Ride Tickets, Box of Oranges, Cube Boxes, Packing Box
| Parts
8 Resource books ; 17 Posters all in a 9 x 31 x 40 cm. white cardboard
| Stmt Resp
by Catherine Twomey Fosnot and Colleagues
| Guide
Guide Included
| Subjects
MathematicsStudy and teaching (Primary)
| Call#
KT 0192
| Holdings
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Resources |
Online |
Reference |
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