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No somos de aquí (41506)
Physical Not Applicable; 394 pages
Produced 2021
Distributor Vintage Espa©lol, una divisi©dn de (5156)
Audience Junior High, Senior High (JS)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis When the dangers in their hometown force them to flee, three teenagers follow the route of La Bestia, a perilous train system that might lead them to a better life, if they can survive the trip. Cuando los peligros de su ciudad natal los obligan a huir, tres adolescentes siguen la ruta de La Bestia, un peligroso sistema de trenes que podría llevarlos a una vida mejor, si logran sobrevivir al viaje.
Author Torres Sanchez, Jenny
Added autho Sánchez Arreola, Guillermo
Dimensions 21 cm
Edition Primera edición Vintage Español.
ISBN# 9780593312438
Pub. Loc. Nueva York
Notes Translation of: We are not from here. Palabras clave: Emigración e inmigración, refugiados, emigrantes, lengua española
Stmt Resp Jenny Torres Sánchez ; traducción de Guillermo Arreola.
Subjects Mexico—Fiction; Immigration and emigration—Fiction; Immigrants—Fiction; Refugees—Fiction; Spanish language; Guatemalans—Fiction; Guatemala—Fiction; Sánchez Arreola, Guillermo,—translator(A); English Language Learners(CK); English/Language Arts
Book 1 copy
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