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Harry Potter y la cámara secreta (41508)
Physical Not Applicable; 314 pages
Produced 2020
Distributor Salamandra Bolsillo (5157)
Audience Intermediate, Junior High (IJ)
Collection Professional Library
Series Harry Potter (Spanish) (4038)
Synopsis When a secret chamber is opened again at Hogwarts, second-year student Harry Potter finds himself in danger from a dark power that has once more been released on the school. Cuando una cámara secreta se abre nuevamente en Hogwarts, el estudiante de segundo año Harry Potter se encuentra en peligro por un poder oscuro que una vez más ha sido liberado en la escuela.
Author Rowling, J. K.
Added autho Dellepiane Rawson, Alicia
Dimensions 21 cm.
ISBN# 9781644732083
Pub. Loc. Barcelona
Notes Translation of: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. "2"--Spine. Palabras clave: Magia, brujas, magos, lengua española, novela fantástica, cuentos escolares.
Stmt Resp J.K. Rowling ; Alicia Dellepiane Rawson, por la traducción.
Subjects Witches—Fiction; Magic—Fiction; Fantasy fiction; School stories; Wizards—Fiction; England—Fiction; Spanish language; Potter, Harry—(Fictional character)—Fiction(A); Dellepiane Rawson, Alicia,—translator(A); English Language Learners(CK); English/Language Arts
Book 1 copy
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