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Una estrella del pop muy poco brillante (41512)
Physical Illustrated; 317 pages
Produced 2022
Distributor Molino/Penguin Random House Grupo E (5158)
Audience Primary, Intermediate (PI)
Collection Professional Library
Series Diario de una dork (4039)
Synopsis When scholarship student Nikki Maxwell, whose father is the school exterminator, decides to enter the talent show at her expensive private school, her nemesis MacKenzie threatens to reveal Nikki's status to the rest of the school. Cuando la estudiante becada Nikki Maxwell, cuyo padre es el exterminador de la escuela, decide participar en el concurso de talentos de su costosa escuela privada, su némesis MacKenzie amenaza con revelar el estatus de Nikki al resto de la escuela.
Author Russell, Rachel Renée
Added autho Morán, Esteban
Dimensions 22 cm.
ISBN# 9781644735244
Pub. Loc. Miami, FL
Notes Translation of: Tales from a not-so-talented pop star. Palabras clave: Diario-novela, amistad, artistas, cuentos escolares, lengua española, popularidad.
Stmt Resp Rachel Renée Russell ; Esteban Morán, por la traducción.
Subjects Friendship—Fiction; School stories; Diaries—Fiction; Middle schools—Fiction; Talent shows—Fiction; Popularity—Fiction; Spanish language; Morán, Esteban,—translator(A); English Language Learners(CK); English/Language Arts
Book 1 copy
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