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Glacier adventure (41548)
Physical Illustrated; 32 pages
Produced 2018
Distributor Scholastic Inc. (4383)
Audience Primary, Intermediate (PI)
Collection Professional Library
Series Magic School Bus rides again (4046)
Synopsis "D.A. is more of a researcher than a storyteller, so she's naturally nervous when her parents sign her up to speak in front of a sellout crowd. But thanks to the Friz, D.A. gains inspiration from the greatest storytellers on Earth: glaciers! These mighty, frozen time machines guide the class through the Earth's last 10,000 years, and the . . . tale of the changes it has witnessed"—Amazon.
Author Brooke, Samantha
Added autho Cole, Joanna,; Degen, Bruce
Dimensions 24 cm.
ISBN# 9781338253818
Pub. Loc. New York, NY
Notes May contain stickers. "Based on the television series The Magic School Bus: Rides Again"--Title page verso. "Based on The Magic School Bus book series [created by] (P)b Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen"--Title page verso.
Stmt Resp adapted by Samantha Brooke.
Added entry Magic school bus rides again (Television program)
Subjects Glaciers; Easy reading materials; Climate change; Cole, Joanna,—creator(A); Degen, Bruce,—creator(A); Picture Books(CK); Science; Language arts (Primary)
Call# E BRO
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