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I am not a ghost : the Canadian Pacific Railway (41601)
Physical Illustrated; 39 pages
Produced 2023
Distributor PlumLeaf Press (5220)
Audience Primary, Intermediate (PI)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis Told in the voice of an elderly Chinese grandfather, eager for his and his countrymen's legacy as builders of the CPR to live on, this story reveals a part of Canadian history that has been overlooked. From the Indigenous people who helped Chinese newcomers survive in their new environment to the dangerous and life-threatening conditions under which these newcomers lived and worked. I Am Not a Ghost is sure to open some eyes on this part of Canada's history.
Author Bouchard, David
Added autho Huang, Zhong-Yang,; Huang, Sean
Dimensions 29 cm.
ISBN# 9781778242816
Pub. Loc. [Oakville, ON]
Stmt Resp David Bouchard with Zhong-Yang Huang ; illustrated by Sean Huang.
Subjects Historical fiction; Chinese Canadians—History—Fiction; Chinese—Canada—History—Fiction; Chinese Canadians—British Columbia—History—Fiction; Canadian Pacific Railway Company—History—Fiction(A); Huang, Zhong-Yang,—1949—-author(A); Huang, Sean—(Illustrator),—illustrator(A); Social Studies; English/Language Arts; Picture Books(CK)
Call# E BOU
Book 1 copy

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