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They came for the children : Canada, Aboriginal peoples, and residential schools : [a report] (41619)
Physical Illustrated
Produced 2012
Distributor Truth and Reconciliation Commission (5267)
Publisher Truth and Reconciliation Commission (5267)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis "The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada is publishing this history as a part of its mandate to educate the Canadian public about residential schools and their place in Canadian history"—Preface. This report examines all aspects of the residential school system and is designed to promote reconciliation and respectful, new relationships.
Added autho Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.
Dimensions 28 cm.
ISBN# 9781100199955
Pub. Loc. Winnipeg
Notes "This report is in the public domain. Anyone may, without charge or request for permission, reproduce all or part of this report"--T.p. verso.
Parts vii, 111 p. : 1 sheet (2-sided : map ; 28 x 43 cm.) on fold out page.
Stmt Resp [Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada].
PV Also available via the Internet. Issued also in French under title: Ils sont venus pour les enfants.
TitleVartn Canada, Aboriginal peoples, and residential schools
Subjects First Nations—Education; First Nations—History; First Nations—Government relations; First Nations—Residential schools; First Nations children; Canada—Ethnic relations—History; Social Studies; Aboriginal; English/Language Arts
Call# 371.829 THE
Book 1 copy
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