HGEC Library Learning Commons

Homegoing (41648)
Physical Not Applicable; 305 pages
Produced 2017
Distributor Anchor Canada (3852)
Audience Teacher/Professional (T)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis "Two half sisters, Effia and Esi, unknown to each other, are born into two different tribal villages in 18th century Ghana. Effia will be married off to an English colonial, and will live in comfort in the sprawling, palatial rooms of Cape Coast Castle, raising half-caste children who will be sent abroad to be educated in England before returning to the Gold Coast to serve as administrators of the Empire. Her sister, Esi, will be imprisoned beneath Effia in the Castle's women's dungeon, and then shipped off on a boat bound for America, where she will be sold into slavery"—Provided by publisher.
Author Gyasi, Yaa
Dimensions 25 cm
ISBN# 9780385686150
Pub. Loc. Toronto
Stmt Resp Yaa Gyasi.
Subjects Sisters—Fiction; Historical fiction; Slavery—Fiction; African American women—Fiction; African Americans—History—Fiction; Women—Ghana—Fiction; Ghana—History—Fiction; English/Language Arts; Diversity(CK)
Book 1 copy

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