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Finding Winnie : the true story of the world's most famous bear (41706)
Physical Illustrated
Produced 2015
Distributor HarperCollins Publishers (2810)
Audience Primary (P)
Collection Professional Library
Series Blackall, Sophie (4101)
Synopsis A woman tells her young son the true story of how his great-great-grandfather, Captain Harry Colebourn, rescued and learned to love a bear cub in 1914 as he was on his way to take care of soldiers' horses during World War I. This bear became the inspiration for A.A. Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh.
Author Mattick, Lindsay
Added autho Blackall, Sophie
Dimensions 26 cm
Edition First Canadian edition.
ISBN# 9781443429184
Pub. Loc. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Notes Includes photographs at the end of the story!
Parts 50 unnumbered pages
Stmt Resp by Lindsay Mattick ; illustrated by Sophie Blackall.
Subjects Blackall, Sophie,—illustrator(A); Winnipeg (Bear); Winnie-the-Pooh (Fictional character)—History; Black bears—Biography; Colebourn, Harry,—1887-1947(A); Canada.—Canadian Army—Mascots(A); Picture Books(CK); Language arts (Primary)
Call# E MAT
Book 1 copy

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