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The flamingo (41713)
Physical Illustrated; 141 pages
Produced 2022
Distributor Random House Studio (5150)
Audience Primary (P)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis "With one flamingo feather, a girl's vacation transforms into something magical. When a girl visits her Lao Lao, they collect shells, watch a sea turtle hatch, and play in the ocean. Then the discovery of a pretty pink flamingo feather prompts the grandmother to tell a fanciful story about a girl who raises a flamingo from an egg. Upon returning home, the girl uses her imagination to bring Lao Lao's flamingo story to a fantastical conclusion." -book flap.
Author Guojing
Dimensions 24 cm
Edition First edition.
ISBN# 9780593127322
Pub. Loc. New York
Notes This graphic novel is mostly wordless, with some dialogue throughout. Keyword: Wordless book.
Stmt Resp by Guojing.
Subjects Stories without words; Grandmothers—Graphic novels; Chinese Americans—Graphic novels; Grandparent-grandchild relationship—Graphic novels; Birds—Graphic novels; Vacations—Graphic novels; Imagination—Graphic novels; Flamingos—Graphic novels; English/Language Arts
Book 1 copy
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