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Elephants remember : a true story (41727)
Physical Illustrated
Produced 2022
Distributor Tilbury House Publishers (TILBURY)
Audience Primary, Intermediate (PI)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis "This nonfiction picture book tells the story of Lawrence Anthony and the deep bond he forged with the matriarch of the herd he saved at his animal reserve in South Africa. When Lawrence died, the matriarch led all the elephants from remote parts of the reserve in a procession to his home, where they gathered to mourn him. They returned on the same day at the same time for the next two years because elephants remember"—OCLC.
Author O'Connell, Jennifer
Dimensions 27 cm
ISBN# 9780884489283
Pub. Loc. Thomaston, Maine
Parts 1 volume (unpaged)
Stmt Resp Jennifer O'Connell.
Subjects Wildlife conservation; Elephants; Human-animal relationships; Creative nonfiction; Wildlife conservation—Biography; Thula Thula Game Reserve (South Africa); Anthony, Lawrence(A); Science; Picture Books(CK); Language arts (Primary)
Call# 333.95416 OCO
Book 1 copy

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