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The last Saxon king (41865)
Physical 316 pages
Produced 2023
Distributor Imbrifex Books (5316)
Audience Junior High, Senior High (JS)
Collection Professional Library
Series A jump in time novel (4127)
Synopsis "When sixteen-year-old Dan Renfrew accidentally transports himself to England in the year 1066, he learns he is a time jumper, descended from a long line of secret heroes who protect the present by traveling to the past to fix breaks and glitches in the time stream. Now he is dealing with suspicious Anglo-Saxons, marauding Vikings, and invading Normans. To get home alive, Dan must try to restore history: a band of malicious time jumpers is threatening the very future of our world"—OCLC.
Author Varga, Andrew
Dimensions 24 cm.
Edition First edition.
ISBN# 9781945501821
Pub. Loc. Las Vegas, NV
Stmt Resp Andrew Varga.
Subjects Time travel—Fiction; Historical fiction; Kings and rulers—Fiction; Great Britain—History—0-1066—Fiction; Social Studies; English/Language Arts
Book 1 copy

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