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Ancient Egypt (41889)
Physical Illustrated; 72 pages
Produced 2021
Distributor DK Publishing, Inc (3133)
Audience Primary, Intermediate, Junior High (PIJ)
Collection Professional Library
Series DK Eyewitness (4130)
Synopsis A photo essay on ancient Egypt and the people who lived there, documented through the mummies, pottery, weapons, and other objects they left behind. Describes their society, religion, obsession with the afterlife, and methods of mummification.
Author Hart, George
Dimensions 29 cm.
Edition This American edition.
ISBN# 9780744028935
Pub. Loc. New York, NY
Stmt Resp author, George Hart.
TitleVartn Eyewitness ancient Egypt
Subjects Egypt—Antiquities; Egypt—Civilization; Egypt—Civilization—Pictorial works; Egypt—Antiquities—Pictorial works; Social Studies
Call# 932 HAR
Book 1 copy
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