HGEC Library Learning Commons

Dear street (41936)
Physical Illustrated
Produced 2023
Distributor Kids Can Press (3623)
Audience Primary, Intermediate (PI)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis When Alice discovers that not everyone loves her street, she writes her street a love letter and leaves it for someone to find, and learns that the joy she spreads can come back to her.
Author Zier-Vogel, Lindsay
Added autho Müller, Caroline Bonne
Dimensions 29 cm.
ISBN# 9781525303104
Pub. Loc. Toronto, Ontario
Parts 1 volume (unpaged)
Stmt Resp written by Lindsay Zier-Vogel ; illustrated by Caroline Bonne-Müller.
Subjects Neighbors—Fiction; Neighborhood—Fiction; Letters—Fiction; Gratitude—Fiction; Müllerr, Caroline Bonne,—illustrator(A); Picture Books(CK); Language arts (Primary)
Call# E ZIE
Book 1 copy
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