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Marie-Antoinette et le collier de la mort [16 Books] (41975)
Physical 64 pieces
Copyrighted 2020
Distributor Fluency Matters (4472)
Country Canada
Audience Junior High, Senior High (JS)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis This tale of greed, deception, and fraud is based on the true story of Marie-Antoinette and the famous necklace scandal.
Author Touchet, Diane
Dimensions 10 x 9 x 26 cm.
ISBN# 9781644981276
Pub. Loc. Freeport, Maine
Contents 16 books ; 1 Teacher Guide ; 1 blue tote bag made of felt ; 1 diamond necklace (made of black felt and jewels)
Parts 16 books ; guide ; tote and a necklace all in a 10 x 9 x 26 cm. clear plastic container.
Stmt Resp written by Diane Touchet
Subjects French Resources(CK); Language acquisition; French Immersion (FRIMM)
Call# KT 0348
Kit 1 copy
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