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The golden bull (41985)
Physical 206 pages
Produced 2012
Distributor Charlesbridge (3683)
Audience Primary, Intermediate, Junior High (PIJ)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis Brother and sister Jomar and Zefa must learn to respect each others' strengths and build a new relationship when they are sent from their home by their father to the city of Ut in ancient Mesopotamia, where Jomar becomes an apprentice to a master goldsmith who is embellishing a magnificent lyre to be used in the temple.
Author Cowley, Marjorie
Dimensions 22 cm.
Edition First paperback edition.
ISBN# 9781580891820
Pub. Loc. Watertown, MA
Stmt Resp Marjorie Cowley.
TitleVartn Mesopotamian adventure
Subjects Siblings—Fiction; Historical fiction; Apprentices—Fiction; Iraq—History—Fiction; Social Studies; English/Language Arts
Book 1 copy

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