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How to make a peanut butter sandwich in 17 easy steps (42013)
Physical Illustrated
Produced 2023
Distributor Owlkids Books Inc (5191)
Audience Primary (P)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis "It's lunchtime, and all the animals are hungry. In fact, you're feeling hungry too, and you know exactly what to make-delicious peanut butter sandwiches for everyone! The recipe is surprisingly complicated, but you're not worried. You gather the critters and a few necessary items (the peanuts and bread, of course, and don't forget the accordion and wooden clogs!), and then you get started!"—Publisher.
Author Edlund, Bambi
Dimensions 23 cm.
ISBN# 9781771475167
Pub. Loc. Toronto, Ontario
Parts 1 volume (unpaged)
Stmt Resp story and pictures by Bambi Edlund.
TitleVartn How to make a peanut butter sandwich in seventeen easy steps
Subjects Animals—Fiction; Cooking—Fiction; Sandwiches—Fiction; Picture Books(CK); Language arts (Primary)
Call# E EDL
Book 1 copy
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