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The help (42320)
Physical 534 pages
Produced 2011
Distributor Berkley Books (5363)
Audience Teacher/Professional (T)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis Skeeter returns home to Mississippi from college in 1962 and begins to write stories about the African-American women that are found working in white households. She includes Aibileen, who grieves for the loss of her son while caring for her seventeenth white child, and Minny, Aibileen's sassy friend, the hired cook for a secretive woman who is new to town.
Author Stockett, Kathryn
Dimensions 22 cm.
Edition Berkley trade pbk. ed.
ISBN# 9780425232200 (pbk.)
Pub. Loc. New York
Notes Includes an essay by the author and a reading group guide. Some editions are movie tie-in.
Stmt Resp Kathryn Stockett.
Subjects Historical fiction; Civil rights demonstrations—Fiction; African American women—Fiction; Jackson (Miss.)—Fiction
Book 1 copy

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