Equivalent fractions are fractions that may look different but in fact
are equal to each other! Our selection of items within this kit will
help students understand different representations in fractional
notation of the same part of a whole or group.
18 x 40 x 60 cm.
30 Fraction Rings (Fraction Equivalent ring, Percent ring, Decimal
Equivalent ring, Decimal Percentage ring, Degree Compass ring, and
Time ring) ; 5 sets of Circular Fractions Set (51 pcs in each) ; 1
Fraction Equivalency Flip Chart ; 12 Large Equivalency Fraction Dice ;
1 Equivalency Pocket Chart with 51 fraction, 51 percent and 51 decimal
cards ; 1 Teacher Fractional Slide Ruler.
30 fraction rings ; 5 fraction sets ; 1 chart ; 12 dice ; 1 pocket
chart ; 153 cards ; 1 large ruler all in a 18 x 40 x 60 cm. clear bin
with a white lid.