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Li'l Shadd : a story of ujima (42403)
Physical Illustrated; 24 pages
Produced 2015
Distributor YNWP (5377)
Publisher Saskatchewan African Canadian Herit (5027)
Audience Primary, Intermediate (PI)
Collection Professional Library
Series Stories of Kwanzaa (3506)
Synopsis Li'l Shadd's father is a busy pioneer doctor. When Dr. Shadd is called away to see a patient on Li'l Shadd's birthday, the young boy struggles to understand why helping people is more important than his birthday party. There's only one way to find out: join his father on the long horse-and-wagon journey to help Nīkānisiw's family!
Author Körner, Miriam
Added autho Lwanga, Alix,; Saskatchewan African Canadian Heritage Museum
Dimensions 23 x 29 cm.
Edition Special Edition.
ISBN# 9781927756485
Pub. Loc. Regina, SK
Notes "Saskatchewan African Canadian Heritage Museum presents" -title page.
Stmt Resp written by Miriam Körner & Alix Lwanga ; illustrated by Miriam Körner.
TitleVartn Story of Ujima
Subjects Birthdays—Fiction; Historical fiction; Physicians—Fiction; Black Canadians—Fiction; Saskatchewan—History; Lwanga, Alix,—1987—-author(A); Picture Books(CK); Diversity(CK); Language arts (Primary)
Call# E KOR
Book 2 copies

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