HGEC Library Learning Commons

Ace the Lace (L060148)
Physical Captioned; 15 minutes
Produced 2011
Distributor Learn360 (4486)
Producer GAPC Entertainment, Inc (4615)
Audience Primary, Intermediate, Junior High (PIJ)
Series Prime Radicals (Season 1), Prime Radicals (Season 2) (2454)
Synopsis Although Uncle Norm has the coolest shoes, his shoelaces are totally boring. Alannas skateboarding pal and his friends save the day. They teach Uncle Norm all the cool ways to tie shoelaces Bow Tie lacing, the Half and Half pattern, and even the Checkerboard pattern, all using the over, under, in and out rule.
Producer GAPC Entertainment, Inc.
Subjects Career Development & Technical Education; Mathematics

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