HGEC Library Learning Commons

The Brain: Developing Memory In Developing Minds (L112064)
Physical Captioned; 21:13 minutes
Produced 2010
Distributor Learn360 (4486)
Producer VISUALZ (5255)
Audience Intermediate, Junior High, Senior High (IJS)
Series Health & Guidance, Social Emotional Learning (3843)
Synopsis The human brain is fascinating-every movement we make, everything conscious or unconscious stems from our brains. The most critical time for brain development is from birth to age five. What can parents and caregivers of children do to help give those developing brains the best chance for success? Discover how the basic workings of the brain influence our memory and how we learn and what can be done to encourage healthy brain development in children. Includes review of main parts of the brain, the difference between short and long term memory, practical things parents and caregivers can do to promote learning, and more.
Producer VISUALZ
Subjects Social Emotional Learning; Health and guidance

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