HGEC Library Learning Commons

Active galaxies (French) (L119468)
Physical 1:57 minute
Produced 2005
Distributor Learn360 (4486)
Producer QA International (4655)
Language French
Audience Intermediate, Junior High, Senior High (IJS)
Series Science, Teaching Practices & Professional Development, Worl (3932)
Synopsis Active galaxies are unique and release enormous amounts of energy. First discovered in the forties, the Seyfert Galaxies have a bright core. Quasars are especially bright distant galaxies that release as much energy as a thousand galaxies like ours. Radio galaxies emit a huge amount of energy in the form of radio waves. The intense activity is probably due to black holes, bodies so massive and dense that near stars are trapped and spiral inward at high speed, breaking up and releasing energy before disappearing into the black hole. The star debris and gases orbiting the black hole form a bright disk called an accretion disk. Active galaxies shine for only a few million years then when deprived of fuel the accretion disk disappears and the galaxy returns to normal brightness.
Producer QA International
Subjects Science; Teaching Practices & Professional Development; World Languages

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