HGEC Library Learning Commons

Scholastic's the magic school bus series (S1013)
Audience Primary, Intermediate (PI)
Synopsis The Magic School Bus" videos and DVDs are based on Scholastic's best-selling book series by Joanna Cole & Bruce Degen. The Emmy award-winning animated series takes children on enjoyable and educational journeys through the world of science. Winners of Kids First! awards and approved by Parents' Choice, these adventurous stories will delight both children and parents! Ces DVD et vidéos sont basés sur les livres à succès de Joanna Cole et Bruce Degan. Ces programmes d'animation gagnants de plusieurs Emmy sont des histoires pour les enfants sur des aventures dans le monde de la science. Récipiendaires de différents prix Kids First et approuvés par le choix des parents, ces aventures sauront plaire autant aux enfants qu'aux parents.
Notes DVDs include English, French and Spanish language tracks where noted.
Members Cracks a yolk (35553,DV) Call#: DV 0919
Gets charged (35554,DV) Call#: DV 0920
Going batty (34922,DV) Call#: DV 0799
In a beehive (34916,DV) Call#: DV 0794
The magic school bus and the climate challenge (36789,CD) Call#: CUR CD E COL
The magic school bus catches a wave (29004,DV) Call#: DV 0171
The magic school bus in the time of the dinosaurs (36791,CD) Call#: CUR CD E COL
The magic school bus lost in the solar system (36792,CD) Call#: CUR CD E COL
The magic school bus : on the ocean floor (20644,BK) Call#: CUR 591.92 COL
The magic school bus on the ocean floor (36790,CD) Call#: CUR CD E COL

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