HGEC Library Learning Commons

Intermediate Biology Fundamentals (S1185)
Members Absorption (L0123457)
Adaptations of Organisms to the Environment (L0123368)
Animal Tissues (L0123407)
Antiseptics and Antibiotics (L0123211)
Bacterial Diseases (1) (L0123174)
Bacterial Growth (L0123213)
Biogeochemical Cycles (L0123266)
Biotechnology Past and Present (L0123276)
Blood (L0123214)
Blood Groups and the Rh Factor (L0123388)
Blood Vessels (L0123215)
Carnivorous Plants (L0123180)
Cell Division (1) (L0123170)
Cell Specialization (L0123436)
Cellular Respiration and Energy Production (L0123366)
Charles Darwin and the Theory of Evolution (L0123449)
Chemical Composition of Cells (L0123365)
The Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance (L0123249)
The Circulatory System (L0123412)
Classification of Organisms (L0123191)
Competition and Predation (L0123453)
Conservation of Natural Resources (L0123357)
Crop Production (L0123179)
Development of the Human Embryo (1) (L0123425)
Different Modes of Feeding in Mammals (L0123411)
Digestion (2) (L0123267)
Ecosystem (L0123455)
Effects of Drugs, Cigarettes, and Alcohol on the Organism (L0123178)
Effects of Physical Effort on the Functioning of the Circula (L0123389)
Environmental Pollution (L0123195)
The Eye and the Ear (L0123277)
Food Chains (2) (L0123265)
The Gene as a Structural and Functional Unit of DNA (L0123437)
Genetic Diseases (L0123438)
Genetic Engineering and its Applications in Biotechnology (L0123452)
Genetic Modification of Organisms (L0123194)
The Greenhouse Effect and the Ozone Hole (L0123387)
Heredity According to Mendel (L0123355)
The History of Life on Earth (L0123262)
Homeostasis (L0123428)
Hormonal Regulation of Metabolic Processes (L0123458)
Hormones and Endocrine Glands (L0123252)
The Human Alimentary Canal (L0123199)
Human Evolution (L0123424)
The Human Immune System (L0123468)
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) (L0123176)
Humans and the Environment (L0123173)
The Individual and the Population (L0123356)
Industrial Uses of Bacteria (L0123358)
Information in Nature (L0123250)
Inheritance of Blood Groups in Humans (L0123467)
Invertebrates (L0123261)
Laws of Evolution and Speciation (L0123210)
Life in Water (L0123264)
Life on Land (L0123367)
Metabolic Transformations in a Cell (L0123259)
Microscopes and the Size of Cells (L0123447)
Mineral Nutrition in Plants (L0123212)
Mutations as a Source of Variation in Organisms (L0123196)
Mutations as Changes in DNA (L0123450)
Nervous System (L0123216)
The Nervous System as a Receptor of Environmental Stimuli (L0123390)
Nucleic Acids (L0123439)
The Nucleus as a Store of Genetic Material (L0123423)
Nutrients (1) (L0123278)
The Origin of Life on Earth (L0123263)
Other Applications of Genetic Engineering (L0123410)
Parasitic Diseases (1) (L0123177)
The Peripheral Nervous System (L0123440)
Photosynthesis (L0123197)
Plant Reproduction (L0123426)
Plant Tissues (L0123248)
Plants (1) (L0123408)
Prokaryotes, Protists and Fungi (L0123260)
Protecting Food from Spoilage (L0123181)
Reflex Responses of the Nervous System (L0123470)
Regulation of the Amount and Composition of Systemic Fluids (L0123217)
Reproduction and Variation (L0123469)
Reproduction in Invertebrates (L0123209)
Reproduction in Vertebrates (L0123208)
The Reproductive System (L0123193)
The Respiratory System (L0123192)
Responsiveness and Plant Movements (L0123456)
Risk Factors for Heart Attack (L0123198)
Seed Germination and Plant Growth (L0123427)
Sensory Organs (L0123370)
Sex Hormones (L0123441)
Skeletal Muscles (L0123451)
The Skeletal System (L0123275)
Structure of Plant and Animal Cells (L0123206)
Symbiosis (L0123172)
Thermoregulation (1) (L0123413)
Transport Across Membranes (1) (L0123207)
Transport and Accumulation of Organic Substances in Plants (L0123251)
Vaccinations (L0123454)
Variation of Organisms (L0123397)
Vertebrates (L0123448)
Viral Diseases (L0123175)
Viruses (L0123171)
Water Transport in Plants (L0123369)

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