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| Title
Pan Canadian Science Place (S1200) |
| Distributor
Scholastic Canada
| Members
Air and water (student text) (26484,BK) Call#: 551.5 CRO
Air and water (teacher's guide) (26485,BK) Call#: 551.5 CRO
Animals grow (grade 2) (27342) Call#: KT 0729
Body works (grade 5) (27140) Call#: KT 0738
Build it up (grade 3) (27136) Call#: KT 0733
Diversity of life (grade 6) (27354) Call#: KT 0741
Earth watch (grade 1) (27135) Call#: KT 0728
Earth watch : teacher's guide (27339,BK) Call#: 525.35 CRO
Extreme environments (grade 6) (27355) Call#: KT 0743
Healthy habitats (grade 4) (27356) Call#: KT 0736
It's alive! (grade 1) (27798) Call#: KT 0726
It's alive! (teacher's guide) (27256,BK) Call#: 570.7 CRO
Let's move (grade K/1) (27348) Call#: KT 0727
Let's move (student text) (26508,BK) Call#: CUR 531 LET
Let's move (teacher's guide) (26507) Call#: CUR 531 LET
Light up your life! (Grade 4) (28948) Call#: KT 0828
Matter, matter, everywhere (student text) (26510,BK) Call#: 530.4 CRO
Matter, matter, everywhere (teacher's guide) (26509,BK) Call#: 530.4 CRO
My world (K) (27358,KT) Call#: KT 0725
My world (teacher's guide) (27263,BK) Call#: 508 CRO
Our resources (student text) (27264) Call#: CUR 639.9 OUR
Putting it in motion (grade 5) (27141) Call#: KT 0739
Putting it in motion (student text) (27266,BK) Call#: 531.11 CRO
Putting it in motion (teacher's guide) (27267,BK) Call#: 531.11 CRO
Sound and light (grade 4) (27003) Call#: KT 0735
Sounds good (Grade 4) (28947) Call#: KT 0827
Stars and planets (grade 3) (27357) Call#: KT 0734
Stars and planets (student text) (27270,BK) Call#: CUR 523.2 STA
Stars and planets (teacher's guide) (27271,BK) Call#: CUR 523.2 STA
Turn it on! (grade 4-6) (27142) Call#: KT 0742
Watch it grow (grade 3) (27138) Call#: KT 0732
Weather watch (grade 4) (27349) Call#: KT 0737