HGEC Library Learning Commons

Earth science fundamentals (S1762)
Physical Color; Sound
Copyrighted 2010
Distributor Kinetic Video (0195)
Country Canada
Audience Primary, Intermediate (PI)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis These programs are designed to make science relevant in a child's everyday life. Peer hosts introduce live-action, concrete situations to help teach scientific concepts and principles. Colorful graphics, animation and detailed diagrams are used throughout the program to reinforce the learning process. These informative and fun-filled DVDs will enhance every elementary school science curriculum. This series includes six 15-minute programs and activities to go along with each subject to provide the most comprehensive educational system about earth sciences.
Pub. Loc. Toronto
Stmt Resp Produced by Mazzarella Media
Subjects Earth science; Science
Members Ecosystems and Biomes (L0155239)
Habitats (L0155243)
Matter (L0155244)
Rocks and Minerals (L0155242)
Seeds and Plants (L0155240)
Weather (L0155241)

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