HGEC Library Learning Commons

Integral Calc: Geometry (S2632)
Members 30-60-90 Triangles: GeometryTriangles (L075081)
45-45-90 Triangles: GeometryTriangles (L075080)
Adjacent and Nonadjacent Angles: GeometrySimple Logic and Pr (L075119)
Angles of Transversals: GeometryParallels and Polygons (L075123)
Arc Length: GeometryCircles (L075085)
Area of a Circle: GeometryCircles (L075082)
Area of a Parallelograms: GeometryQuadrilaterals (L075074)
Area of a Rectangle: GeometryQuadrilaterals (L075071)
Area of a Rectangle Using Sums and Differences: GeometryQuad (L075072)
Area of a Trapezoid: GeometryQuadrilaterals (L075075)
Area of a Triangle: GeometryTriangles (L075076)
Arranging Condtionals in a Logical Chain: GeometrySimple Log (L075118)
Circumference of a Circle: GeometryCircles (L075083)
Circumscribed and Inscribed Circles of a Triangle: GeometryI (L075112)
Conditionals and Euler Diagrams: GeometrySimple Logic and Pr (L075116)
Congruent Angles: GeometrySimple Logic and Proofs (L075120)
Converses of Conditionals: GeometrySimple Logic and Proofs (L075117)
CPCTC: GeometryTriangle Congruence (L075134)
Degree Measure of an Arc of a Circle: GeometryCircles (L075084)
Diagonal of a Right Rectangular Prism: GeometryShapes in Spa (L075136)
Distance Between Two Points in Three Dimensions: GeometrySha (L075137)
Equation, Center and Radius, and Intercepts of a Circle: Geo (L075091)
Exterior Angles of Polygons: GeometryParallels and Polygons (L075126)
Finding Perimeter Using the Pythagorean Theorem: GeometryTri (L075078)
Inscribed Angles of Circles: GeometryCircles (L075087)
Interior Angles of Polygons: GeometryParallels and Polygons (L075125)
Interior Angles of Triangles: GeometryParallels and Polygons (L075124)
Intersecting Chords: GeometryCircles (L075090)
Intersecting Tangents and Secants: GeometryCircles (L075089)
Isosceles Triangle Theorem: GeometryTriangle Congruence (L075133)
Length of a Line Segment: GeometryIntroduction to Geometry (L075108)
Line Segments, Parallel, Perpendicular or Neither: GeometryP (L075130)
Line Segments, Slope and MidPoint: GeometryParallels and Pol (L075129)
Measures of Angles: GeometryIntroduction to Geometry (L075109)
Measures of Angles with Algebra: GeometryIntroduction to Geo (L075110)
Measures of Parallelograms with Algebra: GeometryParallels a (L075122)
Measures of Quadrilaterals: GeometryParallels and Polygons (L075121)
MidPoint of a Line Segment in Three Dimensions: GeometryShap (L075138)
MidSegments of Trapezoids: GeometryParallels and Polygons (L075128)
MidSegments of Triangles: GeometryParallels and Polygons (L075127)
Naming Simple Geometric Figures: GeometryIntroduction to Geo (L075107)
Nets of Cones: GeometryThree-Dimensional Geometry (L075102)
Nets of Cylinders: GeometryThree-Dimensional Geometry (L075099)
Nets of Prisms: GeometryThree-Dimensional Geometry (L075092)
Nets of Pyramids: GeometryThree-Dimensional Geometry (L075096)
Perimeter of a Rectangle: GeometryQuadrilaterals (L075073)
Perpendicular and Angle Bisectors: GeometryIntroduction to G (L075111)
Pythagorean Inequalities: GeometryTriangles (L075079)
Pythagorean Theorem: GeometryTriangles (L075077)
Reflecting Figures in Coordinate space: GeometryIntroduction (L075115)
Rotating Figures in Coordinate space: GeometryIntroduction t (L075114)
Similar Triangles: GeometryDilations and Scale Factors (L075139)
Surface Area of Cones: GeometryThree-Dimensional Geometry (L075104)
Surface Area of Cylinders: GeometryThree-Dimensional Geometr (L075101)
Surface Area of Prisms: GeometryThree-Dimensional Geometry (L075094)
Surface Area of Pyramids: GeometryThree-Dimensional Geometry (L075098)
Surface Area of Spheres: GeometryThree-Dimensional Geometry (L075106)
Surface Area to Volume Ratio of Prisms: GeometryThree-Dimens (L075095)
Tangent Lines of Circles: GeometryCircles (L075086)
Translating Figures in Coordinate space: GeometryIntroductio (L075113)
Translation Vectors: GeometryTriangle Congruence (L075135)
Triangle Congruence with AAS, HL: GeometryTriangle Congruenc (L075132)
Triangle Congruence with SSS, ASA, SAS: GeometryTriangle Con (L075131)
Triangle Side-Splitting Theorem: GeometryDilations and Scale (L075141)
Triangle Similarity Statements: GeometryDilations and Scale (L075140)
Vertex on, Inside and Outside the Circle: GeometryCircles (L075088)
Volume of Cones: GeometryThree-Dimensional Geometry (L075103)
Volume of Cylinders: GeometryThree-Dimensional Geometry (L075100)
Volume of Prisms: GeometryThree-Dimensional Geometry (L075093)
Volume of Pyramids: GeometryThree-Dimensional Geometry (L075097)
Volume of Spheres: GeometryThree-Dimensional Geometry (L075105)

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