HGEC Library Learning Commons

English/Language Arts, Visual & Performing Arts (S3796)
Members A. Philip Randolph (L31663)
1860 Presidential Contest Cartoon (L33770)
'A Man Was Lynched Yesterday' (L31482)
Abolitionist Angelina Emily Grimke (L31725)
Abolitionist Calvin Fairbank (L31402)
Abolitionist Church (L31445)
Abolitionist John Rankin (L31406)
Abolitionist Plea to White Women (L31453)
Abolitionist Wendell Phillips (L31790)
Activist Sarah Grimke (L31726)
Addison White, Legendary Fugitive Slave (L31427)
Africa, Ohio: Home of Free Blacks (L31420)
The Amistad Rebellion (L31449)
Anniversary of Desegregation in Little Rock (L31300)
Anthony and Viola Liuzza (L31296)
Anti-Slavery Activist Laura Smith Haviland (L31404)
Arkansas High School, Site of Pivotal Civil Rights Battle (L31301)
Auction and Negro Sales (L31508)
Aunt Polly Jackson (L31400)
Bayard Rustin (L31269)
Brown v. Board of Education Victory (L33140)
Bud Fowler's Baseball Team (L33108)
Certificate of Freedom (L31450)
Civil Rights Act (L33052)
Civil Rights Crowd Control (L33129)
Civil Rights Demonstrator (L33121)
Civil Rights March at Lincoln Memorial (L33137)
Civil Rights Pamphlet (L33139)
Civil Rights Protestors (L33130)
Civil Rights Protestors Behind Fence (L33131)
Cotton Gin Model (L32539)
Crowd of Civil Rights Protestors (L33127)
Declaration of the Anti-Slavery Convention (L31455)
Demonstration at National Monument (L33056)
Distribution of Slaves (L33073)
Dred Scott Pamphlet (L33771)
Eldridge Cleaver (L31650)
Elements of Narratives (L0047567)
Escape from Slavery (L32585)
Expansion and Contraction (L33773)
Fannie Lou Hamer (L31655)
Four Black Leaders (L33054)
Freedom Stairway (L31439)
'Freesoiler' Cartoon (L32584)
George Wallace Resists Integration in Alabama (L33146)
Gospel Singer Mahalia Jackson (L31312)
H. Rap Brown (L31647)
Harriet Beecher Stowe (L33082)
Illustration from Anti-Slavery Tract (L31456)
Illustrations of a Life: Anthony Burns (L31457)
Jackie Robinson (L33105)
Jackie Robinson Comic Book Cover (L33111)
Jackie Robinson Statue (L33112)
James Farmer (L31653)
James M. Lawson (L31259)
James Weldon Johnson (L31657)
Jesse Jackson (L31656)
Jesse Louis Jackson (L31258)
John Brown, Abolitionist (L31576)
John Lewis (L31660)
John Robert Lewis (L31260)
Leader of Amistad Rebellion (L31448)
Light Showing the Way to Freedom (L31442)
Little Rock Nine (L31316)
Little Rock Nine (L33055)
Lunch Counter Sit-In (L31315)
Lynching Report by Ida B. Wells (L31481)
Malcolm X and Elijah Muhammad (L33126)
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (L33147)
March on Washington Participants (L33135)
Marcus Garvey (L33125)
Marcus Garvey (L31654)
Martin Luther King (L33113)
Martin Luther King and Coretta Scott King Tomb (L33117)
Martin Luther King and Lyndon Johnson (L33114)
Martin Luther King and Malcolm X (L33136)
Martin Luther King Assassination Site (L33115)
Martin Luther King at Podium (L33120)
Martin Luther King at Westminster Abbey (L33118)
Martin Luther King, Jr (L31659)
Martin Luther King Statue (L33119)
Martin Luther King Tomb (L33116)
Moses Fleetwood Walker (L33110)
Newspaper Ad: Reward for Runaway Slave (L31422)
The North Star (L31451)
Octavius Catto (L33109)
Ohio Store: Free Labor Only (L31424)
Parker House, Underground Railway Station (L31419)
Phillis Wheatley (L31642)
Plantation Dance (L33071)
President Johnson and Civil Rights Leaders (L33053)
The Presidential Race of 1856 (L33774)
Quote from White Supremacist Silent Movie (L32686)
Ralph Abernathy (L31256)
Rankin House, Famous Underground Railroad Station (L31407)
Regulated Slave Trade (L33080)
Reward for Runaway Slave (L31423)
Rhoda Jones, Underground Railroad Conductor (L31418)
Riot's Destruction (L33128)
Robert Kennedy at Civil Rights Demonstration (L33138)
Robert Wilson, Underground Railroad Operator (L31408)
Romeo and Juliet in Harlem (L0155271)
Rosa Parks and Bill Clinton (L33104)
Rosa Parks Bus (L33102)
Slave Auction Advertisement (L31447)
Slave Sale (L32586)
Slave Sale (L33070)
Slave Ship (L31446)
Slaves Using Cotton Gin (L32538)
Sojourner Truth (L31452)
Southern Cigar Box Label (L32570)
Station on the Underground Railroad (L31429)
The Trail to Freedom (L31443)
Udney Hyde, Underground Railroad Conductor (L31428)
Uncle Billy Marshall, Conductor for the Underground Railroad (L31409)
Uncle Tom's Cabin (L33081)
Underground Railway Station (L31405)
Underground Railway Station in Ohio (L31403)
University of Mississippi Desegregation (L33059)
W.E.B. Du Bois (L31257)
W. L. Garrison, American Reformer (L31718)
Whipped Slave (L33072)
White House and Civil Rights (L31811)
William Still, the Angel of Philadelphia (L31454)
Willie Mays and Roy Campanella (L31314)
Writing Narratives (L0047568)

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