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| Title
Mathematics (S3836) |
| Members
120 Chart (L0141320)
2D Shapes (L126465)
2D Shapes in 3D Objects (L126466)
3D Objects (L126469)
Adding and Subtracting Fractions (2) (L0208829)
Adding Mixed Numbers (L0208830)
Addition and Subtraction within 10,000 (2) (L0208725)
Addition and Subtraction Within 10,000: Draw (L0208736)
Addition and Subtraction within 10,000: Focus (2) (L0208734)
Addition and Subtraction within 10,000: What I Have Learned (L0208735)
Algebra: A Piece Of Cake, Part 1 (L115821)
Algebra: A Piece Of Cake, Part 2 (L115822)
Algebra Applications: Functions and Relations (L110563)
Algebra Applications: Inequalities (L110564)
Algebra Nspirations: Functions and Relations (L110566)
Algebra Nspirations: Inequalities (based for Algebra One) (L110562)
Algebra Nspirations: Variables, Equations, and Functions: Th (L110567)
Algebra: The Basics (L094159)
Algebraic Variables and Index Laws (L0161296)
Analytic Trigonometry (L16032)
Analyzing Graphs of Functions (L086661)
Angles of a Polygon (L086675)
Application of the Mean Value Theorem to the Value of e (L086638)
Apply What You Know (2) (L0208833)
Approximating Partial Derivatives (L086652)
Approximation (L0208728)
Approximation by Euler's Method (L086654)
Approximation of Iterated Integrals (L086656)
Approximation to n! and Applications (L086657)
Area Estimation of Shapes (L0161214)
Area of Circles (L086702)
Areas of Regular Polygons (L086686)
Areas on the Earth (L086627)
Areas on the Earth (L086676)
A B Patterns (L126463)
Backyard BBQ Party Room (L126137)
Backyard Bugs: Applying Rational Numbers (L121512)
Banana Room (L126128)
Be a Hero: Prime Factorization and Exponents (L121505)
Be Fair: Distributive Property (L121515)
Beneath the Surface: Negative Numbers (L121502)
Birthday Party Room (L126140)
Bivariate Data and Pool Use (L0161297)
Brachistochrones and Tautochrones (L086619)
Butterfly Room (L126117)
Calculating Duration across Time Zones (L0161281)
Calculating the Area of Rectangles (L0161218)
Calculating the Finishing Time (L0167113)
Calculating the Perimeter of Rectangles (L0161219)
Calculating Time Duration (L0167103)
Calculating Volume (L0167104)
Carrot Room (L126129)
The Case of the Clock Master- Episode 1 (L126491)
The Case of the Clock Master - Episode 2 (L126492)
The Case of the Clock Master - Episode 3 (L126493)
The Case of the Clock Master - Episode 4 (L126494)
The Case of the Missing Stadium Designs - Episode 1 (L126484)
The Case of the Missing Stadium Designs - Episode 2 (L126485)
The Case of the Missing Stadium Designs - Episode 3 (L126486)
The Case of the Missing Stadium Designs - Episode 4 (L126487)
The Case of the Missing Stadium Designs - Episode 5 (L126488)
The Case of the Missing Stadium Designs - Episode 6 (L126489)
The Case of the Missing Stadium Designs - Episode 7 (L126490)
Catch Me If You Can: Unit Rates (L121522)
Catenary (L086647)
Centers of Triangles and Forces (L086669)
Centroid Project (L086625)
Centroids of Triangles (L086670)
Check Your Answers Using Inverse Operations (L0167105)
Cherry Room (L126123)
Circles (L0143626)
Closest Packing of Spheres (L086671)
Cloud Room (L126118)
Coconut Room (L126124)
Colour and Theme Dance (L126121)
Common Interest: Combining Like Terms (L121514)
Compare Fractions (L0208828)
Comparing and Ordering Decimals (L0167106)
Composition of Functions (L086734)
Cone Project (L086616)
Congruence and Similarity in Plane Shapes (L0161282)
Congruent Shapes and Transformations (L0161283)
Continuous Functions (L086659)
Counting around the Aquarium (L0204780)
Counting Around the Zoo (L0204781)
Creating a template to find the solutions of a quadratic equ (L116753)
Curvature and Torsion of Curves (L086617)
Cycloid (L086634)
D120 Dice (L0120831)
Dance Party Room (L126132)
Data Leak: Percent (L121523)
Decompose Numbers for Addition (L0208731)
Decomposing Numbers for Subtraction (L0208733)
Derivative of Tangent (L086608)
Describing 2-D Shapes (L0161229)
Describing 3-D Shapes (L0161230)
Developing Empirical Laws (L086735)
Dial M For Murder (Using probability functions to help locat (L0215592)
Differentials as Error Indicators (L086613)
Distance on Earth (L086635)
Distributive property of Multiplication (L0141315)
Divided Difference Tables (L086623)
Divided Differences (L086612)
Dividing by Multiples of Powers of 10 (L0161233)
Division as Repeated Subtraction (L0161235)
Division: Sharing and Grouping (L0167107)
The Division Symbol (L0167089)
Donut Derby: Order of Operations (L121507)
Drawing Prisms (L0161298)
Electricity (L16277)
Equivalents of Seven (L126461)
Evaluating Statistical Claims (L0161299)
Expanding a polynomial product Factoring polynomials (Quadra (L116734)
Experimental Chaos (L086607)
Exploring cosine curve properties using sliders (L116754)
Exploring exponential graphs with sliders (L116755)
Exploring induction: Finding the formula for the sum of cons (L116735)
Exploring logarithmic graphs with sliders (L116756)
Exploring quadratic functions in standard form using sliders (L116757)
Exploring quadratic functions in vertex form using sliders (L116758)
Exploring radical function graphs with sliders (L116759)
Exploring rational function graphs with sliders (L116760)
Exploring sine curve properties using sliders (L116761)
Exploring the slope-intercept form using sliders (L116762)
Exponential Functions (L086726)
Exponents and Index Laws (L0161284)
Expressing Probability (L0161236)
Factoring in Multiples (L0167108)
Factoring Is Fantastic Part 1: Common Factors (L115835)
Factoring Is Fantastic Part 2: Quadratic Trinomials (L115836)
Family Night Party Room (L126136)
Financial Reporting for Business (L0040229)
Finding the Area of Composite Shapes (L0161286)
Finding the HCF (L0167109)
Finding the intersection point of two graphs (L116763)
Finding the real and complex roots of a cubic (L116737)
Finding the Remainder in Division (L0167082)
Finding the slope of a line connecting two points (L116766)
Finding the zeros of a cubic function using function interse (L116767)
Finding the zeros of a quadratic function using TRACE featur (L116768)
Finding the zeros of a quartic function using function inter (L110636)
Finding Your Angle (L0167083)
Flower Room (L126113)
Fluid Pressure (L086630)
Forces and Laws of Triangles (L086667)
Forming Integrals Application (L086629)
Foucault Pendulums and Coriolis Force (L086678)
Four Times Table (L0141322)
Fractions (3) (L0208824)
Fractions Are a Piece of Cake (L0161240)
Fractions as Division (L0208826)
Fractions: Draw (L0208836)
Fractions: Focus (L0208834)
Fractions: What I Have Learned (L0208835)
Frieze Patterns (L086679)
From Fractions to Mixed Numbers (L0208827)
Function Spaces (L086653)
Function Tables: Detecting Functions (L086637)
Function Tables: Exponential Functions (L086615)
Function Tables: Linear Functions (L086604)
Function Tables: Polynomial Functions (L086626)
Garlic Room (L126131)
Geometric Patterns (L126472)
Geometry, Part 2: Surface Areas Of Solids (L115839)
Golden Ratio (L086665)
Graphical Function Composition (L086733)
Graphing a linear function (L110638)
Graphing a linear inequality (L110640)
Graphing a linear inequality using sliders (L110639)
Graphing a quadratic function (L110642)
Graphing a quadratic inequality (L110643)
Graphs and Recursion (L086605)
The Great Math Mystery (L0151287)
Growing Patterns (L126457)
Guitar Room (L126119)
Hanging Chains (L086650)
Heart Room (L126116)
Highs and Lows: Absolute Value and the Number Line (L121503)
Histograms and Boxplots of Gym Membership (L0161301)
How Big is My Oops?: Areas of Quadrilaterals (L121525)
Hyperbolic Functions (L086624)
In over my Head: Volumes (L121526)
In the Doghouse: Multiplying and Dividing Fractions (L121511)
Integral Inequalities and an Application (L086636)
Intersection of Soap Films (L086620)
Introducing Area (L0203309)
Introducing Capacity (L0203310)
Introducing Fractions (L0167110)
Introducing Radian Measure (L086701)
Introducing Symmetry (L0161248)
Introducing Trigonometric Ratios (L0161302)
Introduction to the Metric System (L0204726)
Investigating Population Survey Data (L0161303)
Irrational Numbers: Pi and Pies (L0161288)
It All Adds Up: 5-Digit Addition (L0167111)
It All Depends: Graphing Relations (L121520)
It's About Time! (L0161249)
Know Your Team: Rational Numbers (L121508)
Latitude and Longitude (L086674)
Learn Days of the Week (L0141316)
Learning Numbers for Kids with Mr. Eel (L0141313)
Learning to Draw Line Graphs (L0167114)
Let it Snow!: Solving with Addition/Subtraction (L121517)
Line Relationships (L086648)
Linear and Quadratic Approximations (L086655)
Linear Equations and Their Graphs: Let's Get It Straight, Pa (L115849)
Linear Equations and Their Graphs: Let's Get It Straight, Pa (L115850)
Logarithmic and Exponential Functions in Practice (L086728)
Making the Team: Polygons in the Coordinate Plane (L121527)
Math Grade 4 (L0208862)
Math Mountain Worksheet 2nd Grade (L0141318)
Matrix addition and multiplication (2 x 2 matrices) (L110646)
Matrix addition and multiplication (3 x 3 matrices) (L110647)
Matrix Multiplication (L086668)
Maximizing Downloads: Decimals (L121509)
Mean, Median, and Outliers (L0161304)
Measurements of Time (L126464)
Measuring (L074238)
Mediciones (L074189)
Metric Conversions (L074390)
Metric Length and Temperature (L074391)
Metric Units (L0129277)
Mint Room (L126125)
Mixed Numbers (L0208825)
Money Equivalents (L126460)
More Multiplication Principle for Counting (L086737)
Movie Party Room (L126141)
Multiplication and Division Relationships (L0141317)
Multiplication as Repeated Addition (L0203311)
Multiplication Associative Property (L0141319)
Multiplication Principle for Counting (L086736)
Multiplication Using Expanded Form (L0167087)
Multiplication Using the Lattice Method (L0167088)
Multiplying by Multiples of Powers of 10 (L0161255)
Multiplying rational expressions (L116738)
Music Mystery Episode 1 (L126473)
Music Mystery Episode 2 (L126474)
Music Mystery Episode 3 (L126475)
Music Mystery Episode 4 (L126476)
Music Mystery Episode 5 (L126477)
Music Mystery Episode 6 (L126478)
Music Mystery Episode 7 (L126479)
My Favorite Bites: Ratios (L121521)
The Mystery of the Twinkle Twins - Episode 1 (L126480)
The Mystery of the Twinkle Twins - Episode 2 (L126481)
The Mystery of the Twinkle Twins - Episode 3 (L126482)
The Mystery of the Twinkle Twins - Episode 4 (L126483)
Names of Slopes (L086704)
Newton's Law of Cooling (L086633)
Next Steps: Solving with Multiplication/Division (L121518)
Non-Euclidean Distance (L086681)
Numbers up to, 10 000 (2) (L0208726)
Odd and Even Numbers (L0161256)
Off to the Races: Convert Measurements (L121524)
Onion Room (L126127)
Operations with Algebraic Fractions (L0161290)
Outlier: The Story of Katherine Johnson (L0188548)
Parallel and Perpendicular Lines (L0161305)
Parameters of Quadratic Functions in Practice (L086725)
Parameters of Straight Lines (L086724)
Parametric Equations and the Ellipse (L086611)
Partial Derivatives (L086649)
Partial Derivatives and Applications (L086651)
Partitioning Numbers up to 10,000 (2) (L0208727)
Pascal's Triangle (L086680)
Peace Room (L126112)
Percentages: That Make Sense (L115857)
Perimeter and Area (L0143625)
Periodic Functions (L086715)
Perpendicular Lines and Their Slopes (L086703)
Pick's Theorem Lengths (L086697)
Pitching Pies: Intro to Algebraic Inequalities (L121519)
Planning for Purchase (L126593)
Plotting and Identifying Functions (L086730)
Plotting Locations on Earth (L086677)
Points Unknown: Intro to Expressions (L121513)
Position and Movement (L0161260)
Precise Language for Probing Three-Dimensional Shapes (L086672)
Prediction by the Numbers (L0169058)
Preschool Prep: Counting around the House (L0144014)
Probability and the Value of Pi (L086631)
Problem Solving (L086740)
Problem Solving, Part 1 (L115861)
Problem Solving, Part 2 (L115862)
The Problem with Problems: Algebraic Equations (L0075527)
Properties of Two-Dimensional Figures (L086664)
Proving Congruent Triangles (L0161291)
Puzzle Room (L126114)
Pythagoras and Incommensurable Lengths (L086666)
Pythagorean Theorem (L086700)
Rainy Day Party Room (L126133)
Ranking Sports Teams in New Ways (L057281)
Ratios and Rates (L0143628)
Reading Calendars (L0161261)
Record Room (L126115)
Recursively Defined Sequences (L086739)
Related Rates (L086610)
Relative Frequency of Events (L0161306)
Relative Size (L126462)
Revenue, Cost, and Profit (L086609)
Revise addition (L0208730)
Revise Fractions (L0208823)
Revise subtraction (L0208732)
Rounding (2) (L0208729)
Sampling, Surveying, and Data Analysis (L0047477)
Scale Models of Earth (L086673)
Separable Differential Equations (L086660)
Sequences (2) (L0123861)
Sequences and Fixed Points (L086606)
Sequences Using Multiples (L0161265)
Setting up Geometric Integrals (L086628)
Shapes in Everyday Objects (L126471)
Shapes within Shapes (L126468)
Ships (L16101)
Simplifying Algebraic Products and Quotients (L0161293)
Simplifying rational expressions (L116739)
Six Times (L122007)
Sleepover Party Room (L126138)
Slopes: That's A Bit Steep! (L115876)
Small and Large Time Scales (L0161294)
Snell's Law (L086618)
Solving a cubic algebraically and graphically (L116740)
Solving a quadratic algebraically and graphically (L116741)
Solving a system of two linear equations (L116742)
Solving Linear Equations (L094160)
Sports Party Room (L126139)
Spraying a Wall (L086663)
Step Functions in Practice (L086729)
Stirling's Formula (L086658)
Substituting Values in Formulas (L0161295)
Subtracting Mixed Numbers (L0208831)
Subtracting Mixed Numbers by Regrouping (L0208832)
Survey Data: Collecting and Displaying (L0161308)
Symbols: Greater Than, Less Than, Equal To (L0161267)
Symmetries of the n-gon (L086683)
Symmetries of the Square (L086682)
Symmetry (L126470)
Take It Away: 5-Digit Subtraction (L0167112)
Taking a Chance: Key Probability Concepts (L0048956)
Tangrams (L126467)
Telling Time Rhyme for Kids (L0141321)
Telling Time to Five Minutes (L0203312)
Telling Time to the Minute (L0203313)
Temperature Rates of Change (L086614)
Theme Dance (L126120)
Three Times Table (L0141312)
Time to Play?: Adding and Subtracting Fractions (L121510)
Timing Traffic Lights (L086662)
Torricelli's Law, I (L086621)
Torricelli's Law, II (L086622)
Trig Identities: Addition and subtraction identities for sin (L116743)
Trigonometry, Part 1 (L115883)
Trigonometry, Part 2 (L115884)
Two-Digit Multiplication: Area Model (L0203314)
Two-Digit Multiplication: Extended Form (L0203315)
Uncommon Dogs: LCM and GCF (L121506)
Understanding Calculators (L120282)
Undetermined Coefficients (L086639)
Unit Fractions - Fractions as Numbers (L0141311)
Units of Measurements (L126458)
Units of Time (L0203316)
Use of Graphs in Practice (L086731)
Using Graphs for Information (L086732)
Using the coordinate TRACE feature (L110648)
Volume and Density (L0143627)
Volume of a Rotating Cube (L086632)
Volumes of Revolution (L086640)
Weight (L126459)
Weird Number, The: Fraction (L081463)
What Are the Chances? (L0161278)
Where's My Teacher?: The Coordinate Plane (L121504)