HGEC Library Learning Commons

Engineering & Technology, Health & Guidance, Science (S3856)
Members "Cancer Glasses" Focus on Tumors (L0095031)
3-D Heart Models Help Save Childrens Lives (L057367)
Authenticating Premium Chocolate (L057190)
Biomedical Device Cushions Vertebrae to Treat Chronic Back P (L057325)
Brain Tumor Cap (L058119)
Camera Sees What Your Eyes Can't (L0116103)
Cellphones Detecting Asthma (L057308)
Chemistry Lights Up Fireworks (L057249)
Digital Nation: Life on the Virtual Frontier (L0055996)
Distracted: Eyes off the Road (L066053)
Electronic Armageddon (L0068831)
Electronic Devices That Dissolve In Your Body (L057323)
Exposing The Smallest Viruses (L057334)
Forecasting Deadly Storm Surges (L094191)
A Gentler Jolt to the Heart (L057214)
How Cockroaches Can Improve Robots (L0113071)
Instant DNA Test Can Detect Pathogens in Minutes (L057242)
Mini-Sensor Measures Brain Activity (L057271)
Miniaturized Reflectors for Detecting Disease (L057814)
MissionExploration (L0065136)
Neurobridge Helps Paralyzed Muscles Move (L093397)
New Device Spots Bacteria Behind Eardrum (L057322)
On-The-Spot Malaria Detector (L057769)
Organic Material Promises Fewer Insulin Shots (L057373)
Ouch-Free Medical Tape (L057299)
Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls (L057219)
Printable Prosthetic Hand (L057290)
Smart Bandages Grow Blood Vessels (L057234)
Soft Robots Could Improve Medicine (L057361)
Taking the Ocean's Temp (L129327)
Video Motion Tracking Unlocks Clues to Reducing Female Socce (L057217)
Why Older Cities May Be Healthier for You (L065007)

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